K I T E Conferences

Interchange for
Training &
2025 - KITE for BUSINESS.
Our world class kitesurfing destination is the perfect location to combine your continueing education with recharging your physical and mental health.
How it Works:
2025 Business KITE conference is designed for a balance of kite time, education and presentations, as well as socialising and networking. You can learn and collaborate in the conference from your hotel room with video lectures and interactive peer group exercises avalable online. You can expect to enjoy up to 4 hours per day of optional education modules, leaving the rest of the time to network in our structured and unstructured socialising opportunities, or to enjoy the beautiful hotel, kitesurfing and gnerally the setting of Le Morne.
Tax Deductible: If your an owner, operator or department manager in business, you'll benefit from joining our business conference for knowledge interchange for training and education, Claim your trip to Mauritius as a tax deduction, your conference costs and associated expenses are tax deductible if the primary purpose of your trip is to maintain or develop professional skills. For most companies this means 29.5% cost reduction.
2025 Conference overview
Keynote speaches and training for topics including:
HR today -Assemble your dream team
Operations - Simplify, streamline and optimize your processes.
ATO updates
Leadership essentials - inspire rather than demand.
Transforming from operator to owner
Marketing Essentials - how might the modern big 12 strategies apply to you?
Cloud admin - getting the most from cloud based applications
Customer Loyalty Drivers in 2024 and beyond.
Economic forecasts for major industries
Cash Flow - payment systems, reducing costs, financing the cash flow gap
Artificial Intelligence - Trends and Opportunities
Key tools and systems for marketing/sales, IT, financial and customer management
Panel discussion and Q&A sessions for your business.
Social events and opportunities for informal connection and networking.
REGISTRATION FEE - $195 Discounts available for presenters and contributors.
DATES: the conference will run for 13 days and align with the standard tour dates.
Conference 1 - 15th June - 28nd June
Conference 2 - 29th June - 13th July
VENUE: Riu Turquoise All inclusive 4 star hotel. You must be booked in to our Mauritius Kite and Wing foil tours to register for the conference.
To register your interest email us with your interest - mike@kitethrills.com