• kitesurfing is the ultimate fun sport!
  • Learn with Queenslands Longest Running School
  • Quality gear / Affordable Pricing
  • kitesurfing is the ultimate fun sport!
  • Learn with Queenslands Longest Running School
  • Quality gear / Affordable Pricing

Surfing Le-Morne Mauritius

Whilst surfing is not the main water sport we push through our tours, the local reefs offer very nice waves when the wind is on holiday.

according to demand we can hire a surf mission boat so we can venture out several  to the nearby secret spots on the reefs for some morning and afternoon paddle sessions.

There are also nice playful reefs within paddle distance of the resort - but just be sure to check with our safety team before taking the paddle as paddling the wrong tide can be dangerous!

For those more adventurous a trip into Tamarin Bay (40 Minutes) offers up one of the worlds most consistent left handers. There can be fierce localism here though so be polite and courteous, perhaps leave a section of the reef for the locals and you should be fine.

All Pics © Ollie Jacobs